Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Your residents are lonely-Engage them already!

Not sure if you realize it but this new generation has started a new trend that I like to call Networlding 9000. They realize the power of the internet and they use it to their benefit. It allows them to connect with people they otherwise never would have met and guess what? They are discovering that these “would be” strangers are increasing the quality of their lives drastically.

Internet friends turned real life friends is quickly becoming the norm. While the new generation is a whole lot more comfortable with this way of doing things the more popular it becomes the more this is becoming mainstream.

The more we interact online the more we are finding ourselves longing for more of a personal connection. According to Geoff Meggs the residents in A properties specifically High rises are reporting feelings of loneliness in high numbers. Yes, they seem to have it all and they have to act as though they have it all because no one has given them to OK to reach out and connect with the very people right across the breezeway from them. Human nature eventually forces most of us to connect and sadly if it’s not happening at home, many of your residents go out and find another place to call home then another and another while all along subconsciously they are searching for some form of fulfillment, what I’d like to think of as “a feeling of being home.”

 While I understand that people can get their social needs fulfilled elsewhere why not capitalize on the opportunity to give them the bonds they seek at home? Why not have a bunch of social, happy, engaged residents?

According to Mike Flacy of Digital trends facebook is making a great deal of people sad. You know why? Because it is becoming more and more evident who’s out making a life for themselves and who’s not. I understand that all people don’t share their life story on line and all people don’t necessarily want to meet “strangers” but I can guarantee you that most do or are on their way to figuring out what all the hype is about. has a whopping 10.8 million visitors monthly and operates in over 45,000 cities. This is hard evidence that people are getting out and purposely meeting like minded people.

Here’s what you must consider. Most people don’t want to start the meet-up or make the first move when it comes to making these connections, however almost all of them will appreciate cool check-ins on their facebook wall or photos that will allow them to jump into all of the instagram camaraderie.

What are you doing as a property manager to help your residents engage with each other both online and in person? If you’re throwing typical resident events and expecting them to make the way for themselves you are missing out on a huge opportunity. You know as well as I do that people need leadership and direction. Often times they just need the suggestion presented to them or a little nudge or a simple it’s OK.

I find it hard to believe that if all of these people are going out of their way to meet like minded people that they won’t be elated at the opportunity to find their tribe within their own neighborhood and property.

I also find it hard to believe that a property with this type morale, full of connections ranging from social groups to activity partners to business connections etc. would ever suffer from those dreadful revolving doors that we all hate to think about.

This is the future and its here. It’s not about a huge monetary commitment or even a lot of time. This is about being intuitive, innovative and pro-active. Are you doing this at all when it comes to your property or are you sitting around waiting to see what others do or doing the same thing you’ve always done? We’re shifting; your resident’s thought processes are shifting. Are you willing to meet them where they are or will you find yourself chasing them once they’ve left?

“Give the people what they want.”-Talisa Lavarry Founder Resident Keepers LLC

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