Saturday, August 4, 2012

You're not an INSANE Property Mananger are you?

The definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. If you’re a property manager that just goes with the flow operating in auto-pilot mode doing what you have to do just to get by and collect a salary then you’re not the property manager I’m looking to share information with; however if you are passionate about your career and passionate about your residents then I have news for you. You cannot keep doing what you’ve always done exactly the way you’ve always done it and expect to be the cream that rises to the top.

I facilitate a self-help coaching practice where I am constantly encouraging Women to push their existence to the limits. To do the things they’ve always dreamed of doing and to live extraordinary lives. I love how those concepts flow right into the message that I have to share with the multi-family industry.

It is my intention to light a fire under any and every one that will allow me to in order to get them to reach their full potential.

When it’s all said and done being the best and rising to the top often times takes taking risks. Those who dare to venture off into the unknown based on intuition, a gut feeling, research or whatever it is that drives them to it will reap the benefits of untapped success.

Why is it that so many feel like getting by and maintaining with absolutely no excitement, no thrill and no potential for greatness is enough? Why has contentment become the norm? Why do so many lack the confidence to be the first or to raise the standards or set the bar?

We could ponder over the question forever and while it bothers me I realize that the best thing I can do towards dissolving this mundane way of life is to have the courage to step up, speak out and offer solutions to other leaders who dare to be their best in all that they do.

My point is if you are doing anything less than reaching for the stars, taking risks and doing things differently while expecting your business to grow you are INSANE. It might not sound pretty and it may be a harsh truth but if you’ve been following me for a while you know that I have no issue with shaking you a bit in an attempt to remind you of your purpose.

STOP procrastinating, STOP doing what’s safe, STOP operating in fear and make some changes that yourself, your direct reports and your residents will all thank you for in the future.

Talisa Lavarry

Founder-Resident Keepers

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