Thursday, September 13, 2012

A new approach to Resident Retention

Purposely and strategically building communities within communities that last!
A new approach to Resident Retention

According to SatisFacts, when residents were asked what can be done to improve the community, Social Activities was ranked 29 out of 30. Some may take this info and think to themselves….OK, let’s do away with the activity budget but a forward thinker would ask why?

The truth of the matter is it doesn’t take a survey or any written research or documentation to admit that the majority of us in this human race love to be social. I’d also like to suggest that it doesn’t take stepping outside of yourself to know what draws you to certain social activities, gatherings, groups, etc. Well the same thing goes for your residents. They know what they like to do, why they like to do it and for the most part how to go about doing it. What they don’t know is that it’s OK for them to do these things amongst themselves within your apartment community and how to go about getting started. This is where you come in.

Have you considered rather than trying to be an expert on good events becoming an expert on finding out exactly what your residents want when it comes to being social and giving them an outlet to do so?

Think about it. What if you stopped planning events and started planning to truly get to know your residents? This totally takes the guess work out of trying to figure out how to entertain them. It also shows them that you have a sincere interest in their personal desires and it allows them to be active and creative creating the environment that they want to live in.

This is a no brainer. Different, out of the box and possibly time consuming at first but definitely worth the investment. Let’s take a look at the chain reaction that comes along with my proposed strategy.

  • You begin to question the residents about what they would like to do.
  • You begin to engage the residents more including them in the planning and execution of events and activities while making sure they are aware of basic fair housing laws when necessary.
  • You begin to make personal introductions to like minded residents while encouraging ongoing connections and offering them an environment that allows them to interact with each other.
  • Residents feel important and valued by you.
  • Residents feel connected to each other and begin to form sincere bonds.
  • Residents begin planning events, groups, and meetings etc. for themselves while your manpower is not being affected.
  • Your property takes on a very unique culture that sticks for many years to come with less and less management and leg work required as time goes on.
  • Your satisfaction and retention rates go up as your community is happy and well connected.

For more tips on taking an innovative approach to resident retention and satisfaction log onto and sign up for our mailing list.

Talisa Lavarry
Resident Keepers LLC.


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