Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Your Residents are out shopping other properties!

You do realize that your residents are out shopping other properties right?

Haunting thought isn’t it? Well the truth of the matter is nine times out of ten your residents are not going to come and forewarn you that they are considering going elsewhere however they do tell their friends and colleagues in their casual day to day conversation.

Perhaps they are asking around about other properties or voicing their concerns about what’s not quite right at your property. Even worse some are going online into forums and sharing information or discussing it in their social media outlets such as facebook, twitter, yelp and

Let’s face it; if you have no way of keeping an eye on these things your notices to vacate can catch you by surprise. Not only that, it sometimes leaves you with little to no wiggle room for trying to convince them to stay.

Have you ever considered putting practices in place that would allow you to be more aware of what your residents were thinking, what they desire and what they dislike about your property? Do you realize how this would allow you to be more proactive in your resident retention initiatives?

Let’s think about this. What if there was a resource that allowed them to vent in house rather than out to the world about how their leaky faucet has been such an issue? We also have to admit to the fact that lots of times people see the manager as “authority”. It is common human behavior to often times avoid authority all together. It could be that they fear that by speaking up they could be making things worse or they are just shy and or don’t know how to communicate their desires and needs.

What if you were innovative and strategic and put persons in place that did not come across so authoritative? What if these people were neighbors as well that strategized becoming acquainted with your other residents with the full intention of engaging them in very relaxed settings while getting the information out of them that could be the key to your getting their lease resigned?

Are your wheels turning yet? I certainly hope so. Yes you have a management team and yes you know your business but you’ve gotta admit that I’m onto something here. It is absolutely worth the small investment to implement these practices on your property. Resident Keepers has figured this all out and we have the innovation, creativity, energy and education to make sure that it is consistently carried out for you and your residents.

Below I’ve listed step by step how we make this all come together and create amazing results.
  1. Recruit resident(s) to lead and carry out the plan.
  2. Train said resident(s) in all aspects of the assignment as well as in fair housing. 
  3. Establish our presence on the property (residents need to know that they now have fun friends on the property that want to make their stay more pleasant).
  4. Get residents signed up for and involved in is critical to development of our plan. People tell exactly what they want and need all day everyday while hanging out in online social media mediums).
  5. Get the neighborhood businesses invested in your property. (People love freebies, door prizes, coupons etc. and businesses love to get through the doors of their neighboring potential clients). 
  6. Host traditional events and offer frequent surprises to residents all while keeping their individual likes and desires in mind as well as their scheduled lease end dates.
  7. Connect like minded residents and help them create individual social connections based on their personal desires. 
  8. Communicate with and survey residents often to consistently be aware of their needs, desires and any possible opportunities for improvement.
These practices take consistency and focus which are two things that many properties if not most lack when it comes to resident retention. Resident Keepers is an easy, wise, fun and economical solution to this problem.

For more tips about resident retention log onto www.residentkeepers.comand sign up for the mailing list.

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